i've been waiting YEARS for this reveal. i've personally felt like it was fairly well telegraphed by this point but i expect a bunch of you are still going to be surprised. anyway, as always, here's the summary of this chapter with what we've learned!
- january was being kept out of the cases for lucy and broom girl
- eudora doesn't know what happened with yvette's disappearance, only that she suspects it was something to do with fidelia
- thierry is ivy's brother, and named lucy after his peacock familiar, lucien.
- fidelia has legally "adopted" lucy and rothart has been relieved of their guardianship
- thierry blows up their house and escapes, but in the process transforms himself even worse than before
- he hides in the burnt out remains of his old house and laments the pointlessness of everything he's done
- rin and fidelia talk about lucy, it gets heated, with fidelia floating the threat that lucy could be used against rin, and rin threatening her right back with her strength.
- the bakery was closed in a hurry
- joe is told by the officers in charge of apprehending thierry about him, and realizes that the man he loved was alive the whole time, and was in fact the husk that supposedly had killed him and morgan.
- ivy is yvette
and that's the really important stuff! i recommend rereading the chapter to really refresh. or maybe the whole comic. a whole lot of things came together here!
anyway, the next two weeks will be guest comics from aliza layne that i wrote, and after that, chapter twelve!! wah!! thanks for reading!!!
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